Band Logo, Album Art, Vinyl Sleeve
Art Direction, Illustration, Print Design
Ex Romantika  |  Iram Reyes


"Yes, like we were beamed down from the mothership."
From the start I knew that this project with Austin band Ex Romantika would be one of the funnest to date. Band leader, Iram Reyes had quite the vision for what he wanted on the ALBUM COVER of this vinyl release. His idea was out of this world, literally. The band geared up with alt-future clothing and gadgets, being beamed down from a ship that resembles the Parliament P-funk Mothership. 
Yes to all of this!




Everyone that had a hand in this was ecstatic with the final outcome and I know that I was extremely proud of this project, it being my first VINYL SLEEVE as a freelance designer. As an avid vinyl collector for years, this project held a special place in my heart. This project has made me look forward to more vinyl sleeves in the future.


Ex Romatika Band Logo

Band leader and trumpet player, Iram Reyes contacted AQ Dsgn with a rough sketch back in 2017 about bringing his idea for a new BAND LOGO to life. We met and discussed the feel and what was needed to represent the band. The word "funky" was mentioned plenty of times, and thus the final product.

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